If internet readings don't interest you, you can check out these excellent titles at your local library, or pick them up from the Yesand.com Store.
I will admit, after all the books that I've read, there are still two that I believe are best suited for the DMIL above all else:

The Truth in Comedy IMPRO
For all the Basic "Rules of Improv" For Creative Exploration
These books will give you the information necessary to try improv with a group. Warm-ups, trust games, and all the other things you could find on the internet, but would rather have in a portable paperback copy.
Another couple of interesting books that I've read are "Whose Improv is it Anyway?" A Perspective history of Improv with an emphasis on Women and Minorities, and "Directing Improv" An in depth look at all the things that should be done on and off the stage.
All of these books can be purchased through the Yesand.com Bookstore.
However, none of these books focus on the Improv Catch 22, which is that there is more money in teaching Improv, than there is in performing the Art itself. So, when it comes down to it, why do people pay hundreds of dollars on classes and books? Because they are invigorated by the Art of Play, and either don't want to take the time to teach themselves, or don't know they can teach themselves.
You, being a member of the DMIL, already understand the art of playing, and collaboratively sharing your imagination. By the time these writings are done, I hope that I can collect, organize, and compile enough information, that you will never have to pay to play.
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